Monday 28 September 2015

Day Four

It's just so hectic in my life, I even stop eating. LOL.

Day Four : Created for Eternity

The content this time didn't surprise me one bit. Just because I have heard about a similar sermon not too long ago. The minister said, "We are not made to go to Heaven, assigned our post, given a golden harp and halo, and sing in choir forever."

How do you picture "Heaven"?

That's a very inaccurate but often used image of Heaven

Before this, I know that the bigger part of our life is on the second part - the eternal after life. But I didn't take it that much seriously because, well, I separate it : the live before death, and the live after death. It seems so different, and I am always terrified of the 'eternal' nature of our second life: it sounds boring.

Much more if we only need to sing and on a high dose of happy everyday.
That;s why there are a lot of jokes about people wanting to go to Hell because that is where the party start.

It just become clear to me that our live in the second part is a continuation - simply a continuation of our first live. What we are doing right now will define how our future - far future in the second live - would be like.

The only differences are :
1. All our effort is nothing to grant us a happy future. It was given to us by the grace of Jesus.
2. Nothing we do on our second live can fix the mistakes of the first. If we messed up, we can't "just work harder latter"

Seems unfair that we are only given a limited time to decide for eternity, but when given this limited time, we already fall so many times, what if we are given eternity? It was tiring to watch! I would have given up my life and fall into depression given that much time to life. Normally.

Do you realize how limited is our time on Earth?

Now then, we should really treated the first live with care, because it's the only chances we get.
The second live is what's matter. The first live is so short that it's not worth the time to life fully in this one and throw away the second one. The same  minister I stated above once said, "You the young ones might not know yet, but the middle aged one like me know : Time flies. At one time I am 17, marrying the love of my life, and BAM! I blinked, and here I am, in my 50s, having 5 grandchildren already."

I might not hit my 50s yet, but I agree - after some time to think. I have never think about it before, but if we stopped to think about it, it's obvious. I can feel it myself : without me knowing, I have been working for a year already.

The time given to us is not enough! I bet even though we are healthy until out 100s, we still haven't done all we'd like to do in this world. That's why, investing our time and effort to our distant future is important. We are not investing it to live in the clouds, singing our heart out. We will roam the earth once more, this time with Jesus, walking alongside us, no sin, no malicious intent, no sadness. Wonderful, right?!

I don't know whether it's the right description of Heaven, but one thing I know : after Anti-Christ and Satan have been thrown to Hell, there will be 1000 years of peace where we reign the Earth with Jesus.

I love travelling, and I know there are so many beautiful, magical places on the Earth.

Given the opportunity to explore it for 1000 years?

Works for me.


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