Thursday 9 October 2014

Jonathan, the not-as-gentle-as-he-seem Prince

Well as you could guess, I am trying to finish reading the Bible from cover to cover so my posts would be consequential. Right now I am in Samuel

And was regretting about Jonathan

Hold on, I know, Jonathan is never portrayed bad, and in fact, in his usual portrayal when he was friend with David, he is also great. But all this time, what I know is his gentler side, how he treat David and how he is very much obedient to God and to his father and to his family and friend. 

What I don't know is he don't only have kindness and softness, but also hard material and startling skills like his leadership, charisma (he once was pulled from death penalty by his men), battle, strategies etc.

In fact, he is a better commander and leader than his father that he could already substitute him as a king when he is still a prince. It's such a waste of good leader potential because he could never be a king in a latter times because of the cause we all knew about.

Not that David is a bad candidate for a King - that's why they are such a best-friend. After all, Jonathan's King position are in good hands - his best-friend, that turn out to be the greatest king of Israel. So maybe, it's not such a devastating loss. He 'lose' to the greatest, that's saying something

Okay, my rambling start to be incoherent - this is just a rambling then. Any opinion about Jonathan? Leave it in the comment please thank you^^

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