Tuesday 21 October 2014

First Fruit

Buah sulung. First fruit.  The act of giving 100% of our first paycheck. 100% done and over with, and 100% with the help of God.

I have done it over a week ago actually, and I don't plan to 'brag' it. Just ... when I tried to review the moment, there's nothing I could 'brag' about. I could do it all because of the grace of the Lord. So suddenly I just decide to write it here to post my thoughts about it.

I have committed since long ago that my first official, stable paycheck would all be an offering to God. After all, that's what the Bible told us to do. And the church. And I think this is practiced by all people in the church. So it would be easy. If everyone could do that, why not me? Turn out that I was wrong.

It definitely isn't easy. The sum is big, quite big especially for a fresh grad that are staying in boarding room all her uni life. I have many plan, and Satan repeatedly told me I could buy my way out of the commitment. I could only offer the usual 10%, or maybe 50%. And I don't need to offer my overtime bonus. After all, it's not in the paycheck. And the temptation got bigger when the money was really on my bank account. Oh God, it was tempting.

But then, I was reminded about how, if not because of God's grand plan, I probably wouldn't even get the job, let alone in that big of a paycheck. So it was practically God's. And God is helping me in the matter that when I receive the first sum, the overtime bonus is not on that paycheck, so the sum isn't getting bigger. Thanks for the reminder, Holy Spirit. I know it was You.

And, well, not all people done this practice, apparently. And it's not really common to do that, and not as widely known compared to persepuluhan. It made it harder, and also make me want to brag about it. I have done it! I am better, stronger and could take commitment seriously. But again, it was with God's help, right?
I might not be able to do that if I have to work/live far away from my parents and pay my own expenses. I won't be able to do it if my parents won't support my financial nor my decision to do this. I can't do it if I have to support my family financially. I am lucky to be able to execute it. I really am. I just realize this point yesterday, and really am ashamed of my point of view up until then. People have their own situation and of course, I couldn't judge them. That didn't means I am better than others, because it's God hands helping me, and He is the one who put the commitment in my heart. And he made the path smoother and made it possible, even with all of my weaknesses, greediness, and all.
And it's a bonus. The Bible said about giving it your all and your best and about the first fruits blessings.
So, who I am to brag about it? I just hope that many people will be able to do that too, because it really is an eye opener, and a grace for us. God Bless!

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